AMS GT-R Alpha 16 PackageПроизводитель: AMSAMS Alpha - пакеты увеличения мощности Nissan GT-R - лучшее предложение в мире на сегодняшний день: при минимальных доработках -максимум отдачи!
Acceleration better than most dedicated drag cars, with enough top end speed to put any exotic to shame, yet mild mannered enough for daily use. At over 1500 HP the AMS Alpha 16 was developed to convert your GT-R into one of the fastest, street legal cars to ever hit the highway. In initial testing we set a new record for 60-130 mph acceleration at a blistering 3.31 seconds! You would be hard pressed to find ANY vehicle in the world, on the road or the track, that can come close to your Alpha 16 GT-R! Not even the $1.5M Bugatti Veyron can compare!
The key to the menacing power of the Alpha 16 is the AMS Turbo System capable of over 1500 HP yet provides an enormous and usable powerband. In addition a comprehensive list of supporting Alpha Series components integrate to form a turn-key solution for unmatched power and performance.
Typically power like this comes at the cost of driveablitiy issues and a narrow powerband. That is not the case with the Alpha 16 as every aspect of this package was fine tuned to allow for a true Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Your GT-R will go from mild-mannered and streetable one moment to white-knuckled power the next.
At AMS we back up our packages with real-world results. In preliminary testing, we shattered the World Record for Quickest and Fastest GT-R running a 8.97 @ 169.5mph in the quarter mile in full street trim! 0 to 170 MPH was reached in a quarter of a mile!
To withstand the unsurpassed power levels of the Alpha 16 requires an advanced engine program. The Alpha 16 VR38 is sleeved with ductile iron for strength and increased bore size boosting displacement to 4.0 liters. Each engine is fortified with the best internal components available then balanced, blueprinted and hand assembled to AMS exacting standards. Each Alpha Premium Engine has been strategically strengthened to support the monstrous power and torque. The Alpha CNC Race Ported Cylinder Heads and Alpha Series Camshafts are perfectly matched to flow at low, mid and high lift to achieve the most effective power curve.
In addition your new Alpha 16 spec transmission is prepared by the industry leader, Sheptrans.com, with the latest Dodson and PPG components to offer piece of mind while packing THREE TIMES the horsepower of a stock GT-R.
Комплект Alpha 16 - это:
- возможность показывать лучшие в мире результаты - высокие 8 сек на 1/4 мили;
- сочетание огромной мощности и удивительной отзывчивости и простоты управления;
- простота и легкость в установке как у заводских деталей;
- 2 прошивки AMS, на создание которых были потрачены сотни часов настройки;
- прирост в 170% мощности при таком же спуле турбины;
- с этим комплектом Ваш GT-R станет быстрее любого суперкара в мире.
Составляющие Alpha 16:
- AMS custom турбокит;
- AMS 4.0л VR38 сбалансированный гоночный двигатель;
- AMS доработанные головки блока цилиндров;
- AMS трансмиссия Sheptrans, доработанная компонентами Dodson и PPG;
- AMS 90мм даунпайпы;
- AMS 90мм средние трубы;
- AMS custom выхлопная система;
- AMS custom впускные коллектора;
- AMS впускные патрубки;
- AMS доработанные MAF сенсоры;
- AMS фронтальный интеркулер;
- AMS расходомеры;
- AMS патрубки интеркулера с HKS blow off клапанами;
- AMS впуск с фильтрами К&N;
- AMS форсунки;
- AMS комплект апгрейда топливной системы;
- AMS топливная рейка и регулятор давления топлива;
- программатор COBB AccessPort с картами AMS.
Цена: 125500.00$
Постоянная ссылка на данный товар: http://topspeed.ua/products/ams-gt-r-alpha-16-package-2121.html