DEI Термоизоляция самоклеющаясяPart Number: 010396Производитель: DEIDEI 010396 Термоизоляция самоклеющаяся 2" x 15"
DEI Reflect A-GOLD
Reflect-A-GOLD is a metalized polyamide polymer laminated glass cloth with a high temperature pressure sensitive adhesive for use in extreme temperature swing environments. It is lightweight and easy to apply and remove.
Highly effective material for firewalls, fuel cells, engine covers, under hoods, engine compartment, bulk heads, seat bottoms – anything or area that needs protection from heat.
For firewalls, bulkheads, engine covers, floors, seat bottoms & more
Capable of handling continual temperatures up to 850°F
Resists UV degradation for long-term performance
Virtually NO clearance needed
Adhesive protected by a release liner rated up to 325°F
Light weight and flexible-Trim to size
2” x 15’ ft roll (5.08 см x 4.57 м)
Цена: 56.00$
Постоянная ссылка на данный товар: http://topspeed.ua/products/dei-termoizolyaciya-samokleyushhayasya-1.html