MoTeC MDD DashПроизводитель: MoTeCThe Mini Digital Display (MDD) is a small satellite display, compact enough to mount on the steering wheel, but it can also be mounted in a more conventional position. Typical applications for the MDD are as a display for a MoTeC ECU or the ACL or EDL3 data logging systems that do not have a built in display.
MoTeC data loggers and hundred series ECUs connect to the MDD via CAN and the M4 and M48 ECUs connect via a single wire serial connection.
The MDD input kit is available, which allows for connecting of up to five push buttons or rotary analogue switches.
Compatible with
M400, M600, M800, M880 (software version V2.11D and later)
If using the MDD input kit, software version V3.4 and later is required
M4, M48 (software version V6.21B and later). Not compatible with MDD input kit
MDD used with a data logger
When the MDD is connected to a data logger it is configured using the loggers manager software in the same way as a logger with a built-in display would be configured. This allows any channel to be displayed in the various screen locations and provides multiple display pages (Race, Warm-up and Practice). The MDD can also show alarm messages.
The MDD has a number of screen layouts providing a balance between text size and the amount of information displayed. Some screen layouts include a bar graph for the Lap gain/loss function or for a tachometer. A special layout is available for showing eight values such as exhaust temperatures in a bar graph format.
Page control and bottom line scrolling is provided via buttons connected to the data logger, or, if using the MDD input kit, via buttons connected to the MDD which sends the button information to the logger via CAN.
MDD used with an ECU
When the MDD is connected to an ECU the display has a number of fixed layouts with multiple pages. A push button connected to the MDD allows selection of the display page and switching between two modes of operation as follows:
Normal mode shows RPM, speed, engine temperature, and gear. The bottom line may be toggled to show a number of different values including lap time, air temperature, MAP and many more.
Tuning mode shows information that is useful for tuning such as RPM, throttle position, Lambda etc. There are a number of different display pages showing different parameters including a diagnostics page.
5 x Analogue/switch inputs when used with the input kit, trim pots or switches. More inputs are available with custom wiring.
No inputs on standard MDD
1 x CAN
1 x Serial logic level
Dot matrix backlit graphics LCD
Adjustable backlight brightness (not available when used with an ECU)
Dimensions 86 x 59.5 x 22 mm excluding connector
Weight 120 gram
1 x 6 pin Deutsch DTM connector, flying lead
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Цена: 1410.00$
Постоянная ссылка на данный товар: http://topspeed.ua/products/motec-mdd-dash-2053.html